Sep 8, 2010

Fever Pathophysiology

Body temperature is regulated by a nucleus in the anterior hypothalamus which functions as a thermostat that controls the balance between production and heat loss. Fever develops when the thermostat is shifted to a higher set.

For your body to become warmer or to achieve higher temperature,the termoregulator will reduce heat loss through the skin by vasoconstriction. Resulting in a short time, when 
temperature rises, the skin becomes cold paradoxically. 
IL-1, IL-6 and TNF are important mediators of this reaction. These cytokines produced by leukocytes and other cell types in response to infectious organisms or immunological reactions and toxicity, which is released in the circulation.  IL-1 and IL-6 has the same effect in producing an acute phase reaction, both produce fever through interaction with vascular receptors in the hypothalamus termoregulator center with direct action of cytokines or more likely through the induction of local prostaglandin production (PGE), information is then transmitted from posterior to anterior hypothalamus to the vasomotor center, causing sympathetic nerve stimulation, vasoconstriction of skin vessels, reduce the heat arising perspirasi and fever. Known endogenous pyrogens include TNF, IL-1 and IL-6. They were released by monocytes / macrophages and cells of another host in response to stimulation by microbes and other pyrogens. Aspirin against fevers siklooksigenasi view through inhibition in the hypothalamus. TNF also stimulates the hypothalamic center directly.
Is it any good fever? Any person who suffers with sore throat or respiratory tract infection will experience a manifestation of acute inflammation. 
Fever is one of the most prominent manifestation, especially when in conjunction with the infection. Bacteremia is usually induces fever with increasing temperature dramatically, producing what is called a 'spike' on the temperature graph. Those powerful shiver can be seen in those who got the flu or malaria. 
Wagner-Jauregg in 1927 won nobel prize for neurosyphilis treatment method with a high fever caused by malaria. Spirochaete basic idea is going to die at a temperature of 41 degree C. There are several strains of pneumococcus that die at a temperature of about 40 degree C. 
These facts provide a useful effect of fever on infection. In addition it proves that the leukocytes move faster when the temperature rises, so too with many other cellular functions. Studies now show the IL-1 and TNF is more effective at higher temperatures.